Have Your Ultimate Relationship Now!
A specifically-designed program to help women create the relationship they've always wanted.
Whether you’re looking for a partner or already have one, this program helps you have a deep loving emotional connection beyond what you’ve ever thought possible.
Do you want to call in your ideal partner or want improvement in your current relationship? Are you ready to find your way back to love and have a deep healthy emotional connection?
Together, we will do the work to remove any blocks that keep you from experiencing your ultimate love.
Get clear within yourself so you can call in your ideal relationship.
Learn the loving skills you and your partner can use to build trust and security, so you can experience deep heart, soul, and sexual connections.
Here’s what’s included in this powerful 6-month program:
- One monthly one-on-one healing session
- One monthly direct coaching session with Cathy
- One monthly question and answers group with women coming together to work on the same area of life and love
- One monthly targeted group on topics that seem to permeate all of our love relationships
- Weekly video learnings, meditations, exercises, and prompts so you can get to the root of your specific areas of improvement.

Amy - Inspirational Singer, Writer & Retreat Host
Working with Cathy has helped me release triggers and old patterns of abuse that were blocking me moving into trust and deeper connection with my husband. Learning to use healthy relationship skills, such as clear communication and boundaries, has created new confidence in myself and a foundation for building a life changing foundation for my marriage and beyond. Understanding and healing subtle and sub-conscience long-held beliefs has given me the power to live into my best life now and in the future.

Audrey - Classical Pianist & Kirtan Artist
Prior to my husband's and my sacred union ceremony, we had a set of individual and couples sessions with Cathy that helped us clear massive amounts of ancestral and karmic burdens. We would not have been ready to meet each other in the beautiful wholeness and freedom that we did without those sessions, and they continue to support our highest unfolding to this day.